Adelaide, SA – Part 3

Adelaide seems to be one of the forgotten cities in Australia.  It seems forgotten as not many people outside this country have heard anything about it, and within Australia it seems to be bypassed by just about everybody, they go to Perth or Melbourne, of course Sydney, maybe Brisbane but not Adelaide.  We have notContinue reading “Adelaide, SA – Part 3”

Our first Outback Experience – Part 2

Although we had seen signs warnings us of Kangaroos we had not seen one yet but as soon as we turned off the main road to head to Wilpena Pound Resort (a fancy name for an excellent motel that was trying to be more than it should) we saw Emus and Kangaroos. There is somethingContinue reading “Our first Outback Experience – Part 2”

Our first experience in the Outback – Part 1

Before I go on to describe our excursion into the Flinders Ranges, which in effect is in the Outback I want to give you an idea of how big and diversified Australia is.  The basics that you might have heard before is that Australia is the only continent that is a country and the only country thatContinue reading “Our first experience in the Outback – Part 1”

A quick update

I have finally managed to get an internet connection. I had to, Lost was on a couple days ago and there is no way I am going to miss an episode, not now… ….not in the final season. Well, we had a thunderstorm yesterday and we rushed back to the hotel as flash floods areContinue reading “A quick update”

Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges, SA

After a long drive through wondeful country roads we have made it to Wilpena Pound, the hotel here is great, Kangaroos and Emu all over the place. It is hot, we had more than 40C all day yesterday. Flew over the Pound, amazing! We will hike around for the next couple days and then backContinue reading “Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges, SA”